Cybernetics is a way to imagine humans steering technical systems safely through the world. At ANU School of Cybernetics we are building capability around this. Our people and programs blend education, research and engagement to support students, collaborators and the public to tackle the challenges posed by technology at scale.


Our alumni#

In 2019, the 3A Institute launched our prototype graduate program, the Master of Applied Cybernetics. It is the world’s first graduate program focusing on the challenges of ensuring AI-enabled cyber-physical systems are safe, sustainable and responsible, where our students help to guide and accelerate a new branch of engineering into existence, not simply study its emergence.

Our students come from a huge range of backgrounds, experiences and demographics – the new branch of engineering builds on existing strengths in cybernetics, computer science and engineering, and draws on design ethnography, critical studies of science and technology, philosophy, history, business strategy, and more.

Meet our alumni of the Master of Applied Cybernetics. They represent a new type of practitioner who will help society navigate towards a safe, sustainable and responsible future.

2019 Cohort#

2020 Cohort#

You are on Aboriginal land.

The Australian National University acknowledges, celebrates and pays our respects to the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people of the Canberra region and to all First Nations Australians on whose traditional lands we meet and work, and whose cultures are among the oldest continuing cultures in human history.

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