We are training new practitioners who will guide us towards safe, sustainable and responsible futures through and with technology.

As people invent, commercialise and operationalise new technologies, new practitioners emerge to manage them. Just as the invention of programmable computers led to the professionalisation of software engineers, building and implementing large-scale, data-driven systems that can sense and act within the world will lead to a new type of practitioner. How else can we navigate this data-driven, digital world, and make it into a place that reflects all our humanity, and ensures that we are responsible custodians of the environment?

Education programs at the ANU School of Cybernetics are building capability in safe, sustainable and responsible practices to design, deploy, decommission and regulate systems. Our programs extend existing core strengths in computer science and engineering, by drawing on design ethnography, critical studies of science and technology, philosophy, history, business strategy, and a whole lot more.

We offer a Master of Applied Cybernetics, a PhD program, and Learning Experiences for individuals and organisations.

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