When we imagined the 3Ai Masters in 2018 we knew it would be an experiment in education.#
It was radical: an immersive and transdisciplinary program that was designed to bridge gaps between disciplines while forging a new one. It was responsive: it grappled with profound technological and social change on the brink of a fourth wave of industrialisation that sees a significant shift in the application of AI from discrete, computer-based automation to being embedded in the physical world around us. It was inclusive: we planned to stage a conversation about our future and that meant bringing many different voices into the room. This program we envisioned in 2018 was a collaborative experiment to help incubate the intellectual framework of the new branch of engineering.
2021 will be the third iteration of this experimental graduate program, the first of its kind to deal with the challenges of scaling intelligent cyber-physical systems. We’ve taken a page from the innovator’s handbook by iterating to accelerate a new branch of engineering into existence. Our first cohort has just graduated. Our second is halfway through. The curriculum has continuously evolved and along the way we uncovered yet more elements of the new branch of engineering emerging.
This experiment was not intended to go on forever. In 2022, we will be ready to stabilise our Masters, to bring together the learnings from our three experimental rounds into a program we can carry forward into the future.
This means that 2021 is your last chance to participate in the experiment and to be co-pilots of a program that will yield a new generation of practitioners to design, manage and govern the technologies that will shape our lives.
Why be part of the experiment?#
We know that being part of an experiment in education is not for everyone. We are looking for people to embrace the spirit of immersive design while undertaking the program. The pioneering types who are comfortable with ambiguity, who thrive working across disciplines, who are happy to challenge and be challenged in a transdisciplinary environment. Students who want to change the world, and believe they can help create a future that is safe, sustainable and responsible.
At 3Ai we believe everything has a history. There is always a back story. Just as we look back now on the engineers that emerged to manage the steam engine, and the role of computer scientists and network engineers as great computational power shrank to fit into our pockets, we will one day look back at the new type of engineer (name still forthcoming) that was created to respond to the proliferation of cyber-physical systems. The students in this experimental Masters program, the cohorts of 2019-2021, will always be part of this history.
Applications for this final year of the 3Ai experiment in education close at 11:59pm AEST on Sunday 23 August. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take part in this important chapter as we build the future.