Algorithmic systems are becoming increasingly prevalent and powerful in society. Where robots and technologies employing AI were once relegated to research labs and factory floors, they are now appearing in diverse business, social, and environmental settings. This has evoked a range of policy challenges around inequities, privacy and security.

The School of Cybernetics is participating in a two-year Erasmus+ Jean Monnet grant to run the Algorithmic Futures Policy Lab (AFPL). This project aims to catalyse the work needed to successfully design technology and policy for an uncertain future. Lab participants will explore what responsible algorithmic development and policy-making might look like in light of future global socio-economic and environmental uncertainties, with a specific focus on relevant upcoming governance challenges and opportunities in the European Union and Australia.

To read more about this project, please visit: Algorithmic Futures Policy Lab website or via Twitter @AlgFuturesLab.

Contact: Dr Elizabeth Williams at

The Algorithmic Futures Policy Lab (AFPL) is made possible with the support of the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union. The content on this webpage and any material herein about AFPL reflects only the author’s view. The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


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