Educator. Gender-inclusive advocate. Sci Fi novel fan.#
Dr Kelly Frame has worked in the field of education for over a decade, teaching secondary, undergraduate, and postgraduate students and, more recently, academic staff.
Kelly began her academic journey at ANU with a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in English/History and continuing her research through a PhD at UNSW (Canberra). Her doctorate, entitled “The Human World is Made of Stories”: Postmodernism and the Planetary in the Novels of David Mitchell, explored the ways in which postmodern narratives illuminate planetary (Anthropocene), literary, and economic networks of communication and control. The experience of lecturing and tutoring at UNSW prompted Kelly to accept a scholarship for the leadership program with Teach for Australia and to undertake a Masters of Teaching with Deakin University. Her Master’s thesis comprised a discursive analysis of educational approaches and programs for preventing gender-based violence. This work inspired change of school policies and a collaborative venture with the Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation and Victoria University to develop LGBTQI+ inclusivity training for PE teachers. Kelly is a founding member and Secretary for the Relationships and Sex Education Alliance (RSEA), an ACT advocacy group working with government to improve respectful relationships education in Canberra.
In 2019, Kelly returned to the ANU to work as an Educational Designer with iLEAP and CLT. In this role, she has developed courses and programs and delivered workshops in all corners of the university, as well as winning a Gender Institute grant to develop a university-wide project on gender-inclusive teaching. Kelly is excited to be working with the dynamic staff at the School of Cybernetics and supporting our mission to reimagine the discipline and change the world.